Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pet Peeve #2: Winter Vests (Vests worn for warmth)

Hi everybody. My name is tgd... and I hate vests.
Phew. There. I said it.

Particularly winter-type vests. You know, the ones that people wear to keep them "warm." However, your arms are not covered. I know, I know, I know you wear a sweater or some other very heavy long-sleeve item underneath the vest. So why the fuck don't you just wear a jacket?!?!?! You know, those vest-like items... but they have sleeves. To a certain extent, I can understand the vest that is for fashion/style purposes, they've really grown on me over the years, but you will never find me wearing one... not even as a joke. However, I don't think I will ever understand the winter vest, or whatever you want to call it (see below). You can state your case and argue all you want, but I fully believe in jackets, coats, anoraks, etc. If it has sleeves, it's probably for me! That's a general rule I like to follow.

Why I Wouldn't Mind being in a psychiatric hospital...


Who doesn't love a good and comfortable robe?
I mean, honestly, if given the chance to wear a robe all day everyday, who would say no? I sure as hell know that I wouldn't. So, while watching an episode of Lie to Me from last season, I decided that psychiatric hospitals really aren't all that bad.**

You get to talk about yourself all day long, you can pretty much say/do whatever you want because everyone already thinks you're crazy, you're forced to get high off of pharmaceuticals, you don't have to work, you get to hang out and watch tv and play some games- maybe get some outside time and go for a leisurely walk, and you get to wear a robe all day long.

That actually kind of sounds like my current living situation, minus the being forced to get high part, of course. No one's gotta force me to smoke anything, except especially crack.

*Just to reinforce the fact that psychiatric patients do not actually wear such plush robes... I could not find a matching picture on this damn information highway anywhere. Perhaps it's the pot combined with my desire to continue the Lie to Me episode that is stopping me from further exploring the topic.*** (Also, look how creepy that child mannequin is)
**I understand that my impression of psychiatric hospitals from fictional television is not an accurate portrayal of what psychiatric hospitals are like in the real world. Please just keep in mind that I consciously choose not to live or actively participate in such "real world."
***Now everyone knows I'm a bum.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

THIS is not good for my fear of crocodiles... or for Captain Hook

I had to read THIS article over and over again just to comprehend what happened. I'm still in a bit of shock and disbelief.

So this is basically what happened. Someone snook a crocodile on to an airplane. This person hid such croc IN their bag that was on the plane with the passengers... not in cargo with luggage. I know. You can already tell how bad this is going to get. Just as the plane was making its descent into Bandundu (The Democratic Republic of Congo) from its capital of Kinshasa, the croc magically escaped out of the bag it was being stored in, and naturally caused all kind of panic and ruckus within the plane. Everyone freaked out and ran to one side of the plane... the cockpit, I believe. Thus, the plane was brought off balance and crashed into an empty home just near its final destination. Yeah. That's pretty much exactly what happened. If I heard the video right, 20 out of the 21 passengers died. And that 1 survivor was not the croc smuggler (who was hoping to sell it?). Whatever happened to the good ol' days of smuggling drugs on to planes. You know, stick a little coke in your vagina, a little heroin in your anus. Maybe swallow a balloon of something... but a crocodile? WHY? Those things are scary and viscious. Even the croc survived the crash. Though, when going through the plane remnants with a machete? (I imagine machetes are used more often than we imagine in Africa) the crocodile was caught in such mess and killed. The one crash survivor promptly told investigators this whole entire story.

Anyways, you can read the full article HERE. And I, of course, must thank Geekologie for bringing this craziness to my radar.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Mix Tape of the Week: Random

I decided to compile a list of 5 songs and share it with You on a weekly basis. Thus we have "Mix Tape of the Week." These songs may be new, old, rock, indie, electronic, hip hop, anything really. They can be from 5 different artists, or 5 songs from the same artist. The possibilities are endless. This is the first MTOTW. Enjoy. Feel free to let me know what you think.

"i've got love for you/ if you were born in the 80s, the 80s/ i've got hugs for you/
if you were born in the 80s, the 80s/ i'll do things for you/ if you were born in the
80s, the 80s/ i've got hugs for you/ if you were born in the 80s/yeah"
"she can't clean/ but i bet she got a vacuum mouth"
"sitting at the corner of the heart of paris/ noting the relative common lack
of movement/ where is the noise, confusion, bustle, and hustle/ that one
would associate with the big city?"
"the lovers play dead. they dig their own graves. funeral invitations are sent. the
attendance drops every time they die cos everybody knows that they're not really
dead. the lovers play dead, they hop in their graves, no priest to say rest in peace.
time passes by they crawl their way out, they say 'how silly of us'."
"i am still hanging round and round/ sometimes it's a racket/ but lately not a sound/
in the bowels of history and time/ i have learned to stay back and never shine/ now
i feel stupid when i smile/ for not a journey, but a circus are our lives"

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pet Peeve #1: Socks with Sandals

I'm going to start off by saying that socks with sandals are never acceptable. Ever. I think it's a terrible idea, and unsure why anyone would consider it, and don't even tell me because your feet are cold because that's what closed toe shoes (sneakers, clogs, boots, etc.) are for-- covering your feet! In fact, just about all closed-toe shoes require socks to be worn between your feet and the shoe (unless you want them to smell and be gross). Thus, socks and shoes go together. Sandals, on the other hand, were made for warmer weather, you know, when your feet will not get cold if you're not wearing socks. Many sandals have pieces that go in between your toes (i.e. the flip flop), as well, making it impossible to comfortably wear socks (given it may ever be acceptable to do so in the first place, which it is not). Naturally, bare feet and sandals go together; they were just meant to be. So, if your feet are cold enough to put socks on, do not be a lazy fatass and just put on sneakers, or whatever your preference of shoe may be. And, to spare everyone the aroma of your sweaty feet, wear socks when you wear sneakers.

Socks and shoes. Barefeet and sandals. Got it? Good.

Oh. What does 134 tons of marijuana look like? Just ask good ol' Mexico.

Sooooo. Mexico did the biggest marijuana bust in what they believe to be all of Mexico's marijuana-busting days. However, they don't know the exact record that was previously set (it must change so often that it's hard to keep track). Yet they insist that it has to be the biggest bust. I mean 134 tons is A. LOT. So, I don't doubt it. But it is Mexico.

All of the soldiers who were transporting the bales of marijuana from the tractor trailers to the burning site (I know a lot of people who would have paid to attend that) were wearing masks. Like SARS masks. As if they were going to contract some kind of reefer madness if they inhaled the plant material, which is not toxic. They stacked the 134 bales into the greatest wall I've ever seen. And then they burned that motherfucker down. They said it would take 2 days for the burning to finish. 2 days of burning marijuana. And, probably all of Mexico smells a lot fresher.

You can watch the slideshow from which the pictures above were "borrowed" right HERE.
And, you can read the full New York Times article right HERRE.

If I die from a brain aneurysm or a heart attack, here is why...

I love California. I'm happy I moved. I know it was the right choice. However, there is one part of California that I can absolutely not stand... not even a little. It drives me absolutely nuts. CALIFORNIANS CANNOT DRIVE. It's a fact. I've informally conducted research and it's unanimous. Worst drivers ever. Everyone is in their own world and completely unaware of the fact that anyone else might be on the road. No one signals, and cars just magically float into the next lane-- almost seemingly as if the driver was unaware that he/she switched lanes. Also, California drivers have no concept of when they have to let someone by... they don't get that when I have to get over the 4 lanes to get to the highway I need to be on, and I have my signal on to let you know this is where I need to go, you need to move over, slow down, or speed up. They're all so oblivious. I have seriously never experienced so much frustration and anxiety while driving. Also, back to the point that Californians are in complete La La Land while driving is that they all make sudden decisions- like NO ONE KNOWS WHERE THEY'RE GOING... ever! All of a sudden, you're cut off without signal by someone driving 20mph less than you, and then they just turn, also without a signal. I seriously don't get it. I don't know how any of these people passed their road tests.

I think what bothers me a lot about this is that any Californian I have spoken to about this issue, is 100% aware of how bad they are at driving... and no one seems to care enough to do anything about it. They're just all like, "yeah Californians are terrible drivers." And that's that. They have accepted it and moved on.

Other than innately recognizing Californians' inability to signal when doing anything, this one driving incident had me so scared to drive here. It was dark, yes. And, yes, the driver was a very old woman, in a car filled with equally as old people. She probably could barely see over the steering wheel. Upon making a left turn on to a two-way street split by an island (making it 2 one way streets in opposite directions), the car in front of me turned on to the wrong side of the island! Yes. Driving down a very long stretch of road on the wrong side of the road. I was frightened for this driver. So scared that a car would come speeding down the road and just collide with her. So I drove with her, so to speak. Dropped my speed down to 15mph, and drove along the right side of the road next to her... making sure she was aware she was on the wrong side of the road and that she needed to be really, super cautious. Luckily, the one car that did come driving down her side of the road, saw her, and drove in the other lane. Then we were stopped at a red light. Super nervous me. However, everyone else recognized she was on the wrong side of the road, and when the light turned green, everyone just let her go.

I have driven with aggressively speeding New Yorkers (the true assholes on the road). I have driven in snow in Maryland (where they don't know what the fuck to do when that happens). I have driven in snow and rain in Michigan (who also have no idea how to drive when the weather is a little messy- yes, even in the snow. Every snow, there'd be at least one car in the ditch on the side of the highway). But this. This is the worst I have ever experienced.

I was doing some interwebs research about this topic, and consistently found that based on people's opinions of either those who have visited and driven in California, or those who live in California, pretty much agree that Californians are pretty terrible drivers... maybe the worst. However, there's some test that some company gives to the states or something to see who are the worst drivers. California ranked 4, with New Jersey and New York as 2 and 1, respectively. However, this is simply based on whether people know technical rules of driving, not if they are actually capable of driving. So yeah, maybe New Yorkers don't follow all the rules and are very aggressive. BUT, they know how to drive in various weather conditions and can manage to speed and weave throughout traffic without getting into accidents. In fact, New Yorkers have the tendency to actually signal when they are going to switch lanes or turn.

Well. That's my rant.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Le Origins of Le Sigh

So I've seen more and more recently the use of "Le Sigh" by people online. They're bored, sad, feeling a little melodramatic, whatever, and they express this with "le sigh." I have no problems with this at all. In fact I think it can be rather "cute" or something. Whatever. However, I don't think that most people are aware of the origins of this term. Contrary to popular belief, some super geeky emo blogger did not create this term. Perhaps it was some geeky emo blogger who first started using this term in the blogosphere- though I cannot confirm nor deny this. But I can confirm that the origins of "Le Sigh" is that of the one and only Pepe Le Pew cartoons. Yup, the Looney Tunes cartoon. Well, to be more accurate, it was actually from Merrie Melodies. I do have my overgrown child as a mother to thank for this knowledge. My mom loves these cartoons, so naturally they were a pretty large part of my childhood. In fact, as strange as this may seem, my mom used to pretend she was Pepe Le Pew going after me, her pussy cat. What? It's not creepy. I was little. It was cute. It was a game my mom and I played. No funny stuff. You're just gross.

Anyways, here is a classic Pepe Le Pew cartoon featuring the infamous "Le Sigh."* It's featured in the first 45 seconds of the clip, so no need to watch the whole thing if you don't want to, but I, of course, recommend that you do. This is Mel Blanc we're talking about!

*While searching for the perfect clip, I found that there are tons of these cartoons on youtube and daily motion. Didn't realize how readily available they are.

best direct-to-video movie? maybe!

Okay. So usually movies that go direct to video (or, I guess DVD) are usually pretty terrible. Sometimes they're awesomely bad. Sometimes they're just down right disgusting. However, I found one that is actually good and entertaining. It's certainly not the best movie ever, but I enjoyed every minute of it. I watched it via Netflix Instant Queue, where I have actually found some other good direct-to-video releases. So, the movie I am referring to is: SPRING BREAKDOWN.

This movie stars Parker Posey, Amy Poehler (in all of her greatness), and Rachel Dratch as three 30 somethings who never quite got college (or life) right. So, when Posey's character is assigned the task of watching over the Senator's (Jane Lynch! )daughter and her friends (Amber Tamblyn, Mae Whitman, and Sarah Hagan) during Spring Break in South Padre, TX to assure she doesn't do anything to ruin the Senator's chance of being named Vice President, the three of them decide to go together and do Spring Break the right way. Naturally, funny business ensues, blah blah blah. Additionally, there are some great appearances by Will Arnett, Seth Meyers, and Missi Pyle. Needless to say, how can this not be a great film, right? Well, it was received very well by critics, so I think I've done enough to convince You to watch this movie.

Still unsure? Watch the trailer:

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Clever Choice in categorizing, Amazon.com!

So I was just doing a google search of the Magic Flight Launch Box Vaporizer (as I am now searching for a portable vaporizer), and clicked on Amazon.com's link. I know Amazon sells EVERYTHING, but I was a little surprised to see that listing. Given it is a vaporizer, I suppose it can be used for herbs? or aromatherapy? or something? But, honestly, everyone who is buying that is using it for cannabis. No doubt about it. Anyways, check out how they categorized this product in the screen shot below. Rather amusing.

I suppose they got the Garden part right. Maybe even the Home part.

PS22 Chorus does MGMT's Kids!

So. Remember that Staten Island school chorus that I am obsessed with? Yup. PS 22 Chorus. Well, the new school year is in full swing, and here's an amazing video by my favorite kids. Please take notice of the kid in the green in the front. Yeah, the one who appears to maybe have Asperger's. Gotta love his energy. But seriously, these kids are great.

Check out their take on John Lennon's Imagine. Another song greatly done. And, boy can birthmark sing!

Artist of the Day: Sam Sparro!!!

So. I am aware that I am a little late on the Sam Sparro (Australian born/ Los Angeles-based) bandwagon, as his self-titled debut album came out in 2008 with singles appearing in 2007. However, I just had the recent pleasure of learning about the fabulousness that is Sam Sparro, and I thought that everyone else should know about him as well. His music is electro-pop, and his music videos do not disappoint. Sparro was also featured on Basement Jaxx's Feelings Gone, which was released in September 2009. Literally, everything that he does is great, so check out some of his music videos below, and check out his whole album if you like what you hear!

And, it is also necessary that you check out his videos for Black & Gold and 21st Century Life. Since his record label, Island Records, posted these two, the embedding has been disabled. Other notable songs are Pocket and Hot Mess, but I truly enjoy the whole album. If you like Calvin Harris, you'll love Sam Sparro!

Alec Baldwin: 'lightning-fast' wit? maybe!

So. Alec Baldwin was talking to NY Mag, or they just stole some quotes of his from somewhere. I'm unsure which of these is more true. Either way, Daily Intel reported on his reactions to last week's Live 30 Rock, and some other things he's been up to. You can read the article HERE if you're so interested in the details!

Okay, back to the point I was trying to make. Apparently, Baldwin was featured on Page Six last week or something saying that he was texting during some movie premiere in the Hamptons, and it was so disturbing, that a woman started throwing M&Ms at his head. Baldwin obviously denies such happenings, and instead, pins it on Emily Smith, the new Page Six contributor, saying "she needs to work harder" and that "the idea that anyone would throw candy at The Hampton's Film Fetsival is absurd." And trust me when I say that he should know which parts of Long Island throw candy in movies... he is from Massapequa.

Nothing Like Looking Through the Magic Eye! (the coolest thing I'VE never seen)

Do You remember the magic eye? You know, those fractal-like, psychedelic pictures that you had to stare at to see the hidden picture. I remember these from elementary school, and I was always so terrible at them, yet I always insisted that I saw it... "Oh. yeah... it's a... sail boat... I totally, uh, see it. How could you not see it? Uch, you're so stupid!" Anyways, cruising through one of my favorite blogs, Everythingisterrible.com, I came ascross this commercial for such magic eyes. So, hey, can You see it?

GAZE INTO THE MAGIC EYE! from Everything Is Terrible! on Vimeo.

Note To Self: No Matter How Cute I Think My Rain Boots Are, they are not business attire. Got it? Oh, and nix those cuff links!

So. Apparently Columbia Business School students are smelly, tacky, and lack the ability to determine what is appropriate business attire. Well, at least that's the message that the IBC Board sent to their first year B-school students. Perhaps the first years just so happen to primarily be trustafarians and hobos. Anyways, you can read the e-mail that IBC Board sent to their students over HERE.

Stupid is as Stupid Does

How can you run for a political office and not know anything about the Constitution? How can you have the nerve to debate an opponent without having any knowledge of what you are talking about or how our country and government was actually founded. Christine O'Donnell is just another ignorant dumb-ass giving women and anyone who believes in religion a bad name (two groups with whom i already have a hard time relating). Seriously. If I were her, I'd be so embarrassed that I'd drop out of the race, move to the woods, and drop off the grid. However, I must say that she is so deluded that she probably has no idea how much she has embarrassed herself and how stupid she sounds. I don't even feel bad for her. I want her to continue to suffer the wrath of this nation's cruelty, because she deserves it. I'm sorry for Delaware for having to deal with her.

Anyways, below is a video clip from O'Donnell's and opponent Chris Coons' most recent debate. I mean, this Coons guy has got the patience of saint to deal with her ignorant stupidity. Kudos to Mr. Coons (even for having such a degrading last name). I'd recommend watching the entire clip, if you can get through it without breaking your computer. But, if you don't have that kind of patience, skip to 2:37 where O'Donnell is schooled on the fact that separation of church and state is in the First Amendment (she actually believes that our country was founded on Christian principles, when it was actually founded on the idea that government should be a separate entity from religion, that they do not mesh, that the principles of government DO NOT equivocate religious principles). She also pretty outwardly admits that she knows nothing about our Constitution or the Amendments it contains.

*It's particularly sad when she asks where exactly in the constitution is the separation of church and state... everyone in the audience laughs. And she looks back, smiling, as if she thinks that she caught him in a lie, like she's right. Hey! They're laughing AT you. And, as she continues to skeptically question Coons' memorization of the First Amendment, she thinks she's tricking him. She thinks that she caught him making a mistake. Instead, she is just making herself look more and more foolish. Just give up already!

What was that Grandma? You're late for your appointment? Oh. Just step on it!

That is not the real-life 82 year old Marcia Brandon. However, the real-life Marcia Brandon was pulled over in Gresham, Oregon for speeding... double the posted speed limit of 55 mph. Yeah. She was driving 110 mph because she had to get to an appointment. Although, she was kind of enough to put her emergency flashers on. You know, just to let the other drivers know to watch out for Granny! She also claimed that she had no idea she was going that fast. I'm sorry, but that part I find relatively hard to believe. At that age, the normal pace is about 10 mph (driving, of course), when you're 11 times that, you just have to know. You have to be aware that you are driving too fast. I mean, I've driven upwards of 130 mph, and it was certainly not unknown to me.

You can read the full article HERE.

Who Wants McDonald's? Seriously, no one wants a happy meal? WTF!

So, who does want McDonald's? Probably no one anymore, after THIS! That is an article from blogs.com, in which a New York City woman left out a Hamburger Happy Meal since April. She took a picture of the burger everyday for 6 months, and you know what? The Happy Meal looks exactly the same. I'm talking no mold, no decomposition. I'm saying that this burger and fries looks exactly the same in October as it did when it was purchased in April. Disgusting.

McDonald's claims that there wasn't enough moisture for decomposition to occur. Dude. This was a teribly HOT AND HUMID New York summer, one of the hottest and most humid in a long time. There was more than enough, heat, humidity, and general grossness to not only turn this meal into a green maggot fest, but to make it completely decompose in the 6 month time period. This is unnatural.

Gizmodo made a video slideshow of some of the burger pictures, which you can view HERE (set to a really kickass soundtrack). That's right... no bugs, no smell. I mean, when I was 16 years old my roommates at a summer program decided to leave milk out of the fridge for over a week. Worst smell of my life. Disgusting. And, just over a week. Imagine this for 6 months.

Sorry McDonald's, but you're not getting out of this one. Though, you can read their reply to the experiment over HERE. And, like I said before, New York Summers= hot and humid. I don't care how high her AC was, there were more than sufficient conditions for mold and decomposition. And, I'd hardly say that frying up frozen items can be considered fresh. Yeah, no one goes to McDonald's because they think they're getting a freshly cooked meal. That's why they go to Subway.

What Happened to Aaron Carter?

So. No one actually cares about Aaron Carter anymore. He's so 2000. In fact, who has even heard his name mentioned in the past, I don't know, 5 or so years? Yeah, probably not many. Yet, this past week or so, this disgustingly scary image of the now 22 year old Carter has been circulating the interwebs.

Naturally, I sought out other current pictures of Mr. Carter, just to see what the fuck happened with him. I found this one as well:

Look at his face... what happened? It looks like he's been smoking a pack of cigarettes a day for the past 10 years while doing meth on his free time. Seriously... looks like meth face. And, obviously can't forget about those steroids, did you see the vein popping out of his head in the first picture? Oy. He must have the most wrinkly, saggy, old man balls for a 22 year old.

And to think, that I listened to Aaron's Party (Come Get it) on repeat when I was 13. If only I knew that he was telling us to come get meth, cigarettes, and steroids. Oh, Aaron!

You can be embarrassed for me. I'm embarrassed for me.

Willow Smith + Sesame Street = THIS

I'm sure You are already aware of the almost ten year old Willow Smith's video and song Whip My Hair. If You don't know what I'm talking about, then watch it below. Additionally, Sesame Street is trying to be more culturally diverse by adding in puppets with afros, who sing about loving their nappy hair. You can watch this video below, as well. However, I am unsure if You are aware of the mashup of these two videos, which ingeniously replaces the Sesame Street version's audio with that of Willow Smith's Whip My Hair. Yeah. It's real. So check out the basic math below.



Monday, October 18, 2010

Ray Ban Vision... oh snap.

This is A-Trak's Ray Ban Vision featuring Cyhi Da Prynce. There is no music video for this musical gem just yet, but I surely hope one is on its way. You can listen to the song below, and can download it for free from A-Trak (click the link above).


what the what?

So even though I'm 3,000* miles away from New York, I still like browse through various New York-based blogs... just to see what's going on, ya know. So this is what I saw in NY Mag's Daily Intel, even though it happened in Nevada... whatever. Anyways, Nevada Senate candidate, Sharron Angle told Hispanic students that some of them look more Asian to her... and that one time someone thought she was Asian... so that means it can be very difficult to tell Hispanics, from Asians, from Caucasians. Yeah. I Know. You can read the whole thing right HERRE.

*Curious to see exactly how many miles my Oakland residence is from my New York one, I consulted Google Maps. My findings are as follows: depending on which route I choose, I am actually 2,940; 2,992; or 3,029 miles away.

White Jewish Boys Rapping About White Jewish Girls

Honestly, I have no idea who 3P are, and if they are actually three white Jewish Boys, but I imagine that they are. In fact, I'll bank on it because this is something that white Jewish boys LOVE to do.*

Anyways, I'll just cut to the chase already. When I was visiting Ann Arbor last weekend, a friend of mine played (and subsequently sent) me The Pursuit of Jappiness by 3P, who are pretty much nonexistent other than for this song. Yet, I imagine they are umich frat boys from Long Island. Regardless, the song is just fabulous. It hits the nail right on the head on everything that is Jappy University of Michigan. If you couldn't tell already, the song is a parody of Kid Cudi's Pursuit of Happiness. Even if you didn't attend the University of Michigan or are not familiar with the specific places of reference, it is still worth a listen as there are general references that anyone familiar with any level of Jappiness can appreciate. You can listen and download the song for free HERE.

*They love to make rap parodies (particularly about jappiness)!

**For anyone unfamiliar with flagels, when they make this reference, he is holding a bialy.

Artist of the Day: Amp Live

Today I was introduced to Amp Live, an Oakland-based DJ and producer most famously known for being one half of Zion I, an Oakland-based hip hop duo (whom I also became familiar with today). Amp Live has gone on to produce for Akon, MGMT, and Tokyo Police Club among others. However, it is his remixes that I am really enjoying.

A friend of mine e-mailed me a link to download Amp Live's Rainy Dayz remixes (remixes of songs from Radiohead's In Rainbows). Apparently this "album" caused some controversy at first as he did not seek the permission of Radiohead, but the tracks are free to download, so you can check them out here. I honestly have not listened to them yet, as I got distracted by his mashup of MGMT's Future Reflections and of Montreal's Faberge Falls for Shuggie, and felt the urgent need to tell everyone about it immediately. It is truly a great combination, which can be listened to (and downloaded) here, as well as on Amp Live's site.

Manic Monday! (it is monday right?)

*I sincerely apologize for the layout mess below... I'm working on it ;)

So. I thought I'd post some things that I had very recently put up on my Facebook. Just in case any of you missed them :)

1. Snooki Halloween Costume
Yeah, that's right... this actually exists. I mean... all you really need is a fake tan [bottled or bed... your choice ;)], a bump it, and a trashy outfit... and BAM! You are Snooki. I honestly have nothing else to say about this. It speaks for itself.

2. The Elements Song in Japanese
Remember Chemistry... you know that huge white poster or pull down with all those boxes with letters and numbers in them? Yeah... the Periodical Table of Elements... that's what I mean. Well, I know you've been dying to learn them in Japanese, and in song form, so here you go. This one is just for You!

And after much deliberation via Facebook comments, it was pretty much deduced that the girl in the bottom right MUST be learning the song, otherwise she is useless. Not even a pretty face taking up space. Just... a face. A useless face. If anyone understands Japanese and can confirm or deny this, that would be greatly appreciated.

3. Google Cars! They drive themselves!
Imagine being able to go out with friends, drink as much as you want, and not have to worry about who's going to drive home. You will always have a ride home. You will always have a sober driver in your own car. That's pretty much what I have deduced from these Google Cars. If they can drive themselves in traffic, then they can drive their drunk owners home at 4 am. Let's hope this becomes available soon!
(click the picture to read the article from New York Times)

Oh. ... Heeeeey!

I know I always say this every time I reemerge into the blogosphere, but I swear I'm going to post more often. I am trying to reallocate my Facebook postings to here. I figure, this may be a more appropriate setting for the videos and articles I love so much. I know. You probably don't believe me. I'll post today, and then disappear like always, right? Well. I'm not going to lie... maybe. However, I will try my best not to. But, I'm only human, so just bear with me.

West Coast weather is wacky. Ann Arbor wacky. There was a high of about 60 Degrees when I first got here in August. It slowly warmed, as it naturally would since that was abnormally cold for that time of year. However, up until about 2 days ago, it was abnormally hot. I'm talking 80-90 degrees hot... in October. I know. I know. I live in California. BUT, I live in Northern California, not the hot desert that is SoCal. Perhaps this is what they're talking about when they say Global Warming is real... or El Nino... or whatever they're calling it these days. Either way, it's not natural. Yet, I must stand to say that it's significantly cooled down, and is at a nice mid 60s-70 degrees. Just the way I like it.

Everyone back on the East Coast probably thinks I'm nuts for complaining about 80 degree weather in October, as it's probably like 50 degrees there. However, 80 is too hot for me. I prefer mid 60s. I like to be comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt... or maybe have to wear a zip up or a light jacket. I have no interest in sweating. And that's that.

On a completely irrelevant note, I saw The Room this past Saturday night at The Piedmont Theatre in Oakland. I have never seen the flick before, and was not let down in any way. In fact, I had no idea how involved the audience gets, which most definitely enhanced my viewing experience. HOWEVER, the people behind me, particularly one loud-mouthed fire crotch drunkie, were TOO loud. They yelled at everything. Sometimes it was funny. Sometimes it was hilarious. Sometimes this chick needed to know when to shut the fuck up and work on her timing. Honestly, though, she was screaming at the top of her lungs. It was the equivalent of standing next to the speakers at a My Bloody Valentine concert (I can only imagine). Literally, my ears were pounding and I felt slightly deafer when exiting the theatre at 2am. The movie itself was no disappointment, and I would certainly go again... next time making sure to be equipped with plastic spoons and blow-up or nerf footballs. It is now playing every third Saturday at The Piedmont, and the movie is taking midnight showings across the country by storm... so look out for it! Tommy Wiseau (writer, director, producer, and star) is actually touring the country answering questions at various midnight showings... if you happen to go to one of these, it will surely be a treat.