Monday, October 18, 2010

Oh. ... Heeeeey!

I know I always say this every time I reemerge into the blogosphere, but I swear I'm going to post more often. I am trying to reallocate my Facebook postings to here. I figure, this may be a more appropriate setting for the videos and articles I love so much. I know. You probably don't believe me. I'll post today, and then disappear like always, right? Well. I'm not going to lie... maybe. However, I will try my best not to. But, I'm only human, so just bear with me.

West Coast weather is wacky. Ann Arbor wacky. There was a high of about 60 Degrees when I first got here in August. It slowly warmed, as it naturally would since that was abnormally cold for that time of year. However, up until about 2 days ago, it was abnormally hot. I'm talking 80-90 degrees hot... in October. I know. I know. I live in California. BUT, I live in Northern California, not the hot desert that is SoCal. Perhaps this is what they're talking about when they say Global Warming is real... or El Nino... or whatever they're calling it these days. Either way, it's not natural. Yet, I must stand to say that it's significantly cooled down, and is at a nice mid 60s-70 degrees. Just the way I like it.

Everyone back on the East Coast probably thinks I'm nuts for complaining about 80 degree weather in October, as it's probably like 50 degrees there. However, 80 is too hot for me. I prefer mid 60s. I like to be comfortable in jeans and a t-shirt... or maybe have to wear a zip up or a light jacket. I have no interest in sweating. And that's that.

On a completely irrelevant note, I saw The Room this past Saturday night at The Piedmont Theatre in Oakland. I have never seen the flick before, and was not let down in any way. In fact, I had no idea how involved the audience gets, which most definitely enhanced my viewing experience. HOWEVER, the people behind me, particularly one loud-mouthed fire crotch drunkie, were TOO loud. They yelled at everything. Sometimes it was funny. Sometimes it was hilarious. Sometimes this chick needed to know when to shut the fuck up and work on her timing. Honestly, though, she was screaming at the top of her lungs. It was the equivalent of standing next to the speakers at a My Bloody Valentine concert (I can only imagine). Literally, my ears were pounding and I felt slightly deafer when exiting the theatre at 2am. The movie itself was no disappointment, and I would certainly go again... next time making sure to be equipped with plastic spoons and blow-up or nerf footballs. It is now playing every third Saturday at The Piedmont, and the movie is taking midnight showings across the country by storm... so look out for it! Tommy Wiseau (writer, director, producer, and star) is actually touring the country answering questions at various midnight showings... if you happen to go to one of these, it will surely be a treat.

1 comment:


    by the way, i met tommy wiseau and greg sestero (mark). fucking weirdest moment ever.
