Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Why I Wouldn't Mind being in a psychiatric hospital...


Who doesn't love a good and comfortable robe?
I mean, honestly, if given the chance to wear a robe all day everyday, who would say no? I sure as hell know that I wouldn't. So, while watching an episode of Lie to Me from last season, I decided that psychiatric hospitals really aren't all that bad.**

You get to talk about yourself all day long, you can pretty much say/do whatever you want because everyone already thinks you're crazy, you're forced to get high off of pharmaceuticals, you don't have to work, you get to hang out and watch tv and play some games- maybe get some outside time and go for a leisurely walk, and you get to wear a robe all day long.

That actually kind of sounds like my current living situation, minus the being forced to get high part, of course. No one's gotta force me to smoke anything, except especially crack.

*Just to reinforce the fact that psychiatric patients do not actually wear such plush robes... I could not find a matching picture on this damn information highway anywhere. Perhaps it's the pot combined with my desire to continue the Lie to Me episode that is stopping me from further exploring the topic.*** (Also, look how creepy that child mannequin is)
**I understand that my impression of psychiatric hospitals from fictional television is not an accurate portrayal of what psychiatric hospitals are like in the real world. Please just keep in mind that I consciously choose not to live or actively participate in such "real world."
***Now everyone knows I'm a bum.

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