Monday, December 27, 2010

Now all we have to do is just sit and wait...

I understand why CNNmoney is telling us that gas prices are expected to rise to $5 a gallon soon-ish, when, though, depends on who you ask (because the American people must remain informed!). One guy says by 2012, a couple of others say by the next decade. Everything else mentioned in the article is actually just kind of boring. All this stuff on how gas prices are rising and that there's this large American demand for oil. Nothing new, folks. We know our oil situation is pretty fucked and unstable. We've known this for years, and it has been particularly obvious within the past decade, so why not tell us something new for once? There is no need to scare us by telling us gas prices will rise to $5 maybe in a year and a half, or maybe in eight years. What good does that do me now? I mean, think about it... what do they expect me to do, just sit around and wait for the $5/gallon gas prices? I'm already paying over $3 a gallon, and relatively close to $4, depending on where I am, so now I have something even more excited to look forward to, right? Yeah, not really. So, thanks CNNmoney for giving me great hope for the new year. Seasons greetings to you too, assholes.

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