Monday, December 27, 2010

Pet Peeve #4: The their, there, they're conundrum

That's right, this isn't just a pet peeve of my own, but it is a worldwide (read: American) conundrum. For realzies, though. A lot of people have some kind of incapability to properly use the appropriate there/their/they're. I find this irritating and devastating at the same time. It's such a fundamental part of the English language-- something taught so early on-- that this mistake should not exist. If people actually thought about what they're writing before mindlessly spilling their thoughts then there would not be this problem.

Did you catch that last sentence? Did you see how I properly used there/their/they're in one sentence? Well, if not. Go ahead and re-read it. Absorb it. Live it. Love it.

They're= They are. As in, They're going to the movies. (They are going to the movies)
Their= possessive. As in, Those are their apples. (They own/possess the apples)
There= in or at that place. As in, The couch is over there. (Look dumbass, the couch is next to the table)

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