Monday, December 20, 2010

So What?

You're probably thinking, "So what... what?" And I have an answer to that for you... So what if my dream lifestyle is that which is portrayed by Sarah Silverman in The Sarah Silverman Program.

I mean, she does nothing, but is never bored. She doesn't work. Her sister pays her rent. She is never in need of money. No one and nothing stop her from doing whatever ridiculous antics she can think of. She gets to hang out with a dog all day. Even after all of her crazy antics, there are no consequences. Nothing bad happens. No worries, no cares. Just straight living.

I have a hard time admitting this out loud. Most people take pride in working hard. They actually get some kind of satisfaction out of waking up early, working all day on something they probably don't care too much about, and then being too tired to want to do anything else. Actually, these people usually aren't too tired after it all. No. They're energized and ready for a night of drinking. That lifestyle makes me want to crawl into a ball and die. It sucks the life out of me and I want to do nothing else but sleep and ignore the world.

Naturally, the carefree lifestyle of not working and being completely responsibility-free is super appealing to me. If someone was willing to support you for the rest of your life (no strings attached) would you do it? Gosh. A Sugar Daddy with no expectations of sex is my dream guy. :::siiiiigh:::

Check out some of these clips from The Sarah Silverman Program to really understand what it is I strive for.

The Sarah Silverman Program
Supermarket Sweep
Funny JokesIt's Always Sunny in PhiladelphiaUgly Americans
Sarah's only motivation to get a job was when she thought she was retarded; this way it made her feel empowered. Amen, sister.

The Sarah Silverman Program
HIV Test
Funny JokesIt's Always Sunny in PhiladelphiaUgly Americans
Most people don't know that I get an HIV test whenever I'm feeling kind of blah. It's really quite the pick me up.

The Sarah Silverman Program
Swinging High
Funny JokesIt's Always Sunny in PhiladelphiaUgly Americans
So many great ideas mashed up into one clip. Pretty self-explanatory if you ask me.

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