Friday, October 22, 2010

Mix Tape of the Week: Random

I decided to compile a list of 5 songs and share it with You on a weekly basis. Thus we have "Mix Tape of the Week." These songs may be new, old, rock, indie, electronic, hip hop, anything really. They can be from 5 different artists, or 5 songs from the same artist. The possibilities are endless. This is the first MTOTW. Enjoy. Feel free to let me know what you think.

"i've got love for you/ if you were born in the 80s, the 80s/ i've got hugs for you/
if you were born in the 80s, the 80s/ i'll do things for you/ if you were born in the
80s, the 80s/ i've got hugs for you/ if you were born in the 80s/yeah"
"she can't clean/ but i bet she got a vacuum mouth"
"sitting at the corner of the heart of paris/ noting the relative common lack
of movement/ where is the noise, confusion, bustle, and hustle/ that one
would associate with the big city?"
"the lovers play dead. they dig their own graves. funeral invitations are sent. the
attendance drops every time they die cos everybody knows that they're not really
dead. the lovers play dead, they hop in their graves, no priest to say rest in peace.
time passes by they crawl their way out, they say 'how silly of us'."
"i am still hanging round and round/ sometimes it's a racket/ but lately not a sound/
in the bowels of history and time/ i have learned to stay back and never shine/ now
i feel stupid when i smile/ for not a journey, but a circus are our lives"

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