Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Stupid is as Stupid Does

How can you run for a political office and not know anything about the Constitution? How can you have the nerve to debate an opponent without having any knowledge of what you are talking about or how our country and government was actually founded. Christine O'Donnell is just another ignorant dumb-ass giving women and anyone who believes in religion a bad name (two groups with whom i already have a hard time relating). Seriously. If I were her, I'd be so embarrassed that I'd drop out of the race, move to the woods, and drop off the grid. However, I must say that she is so deluded that she probably has no idea how much she has embarrassed herself and how stupid she sounds. I don't even feel bad for her. I want her to continue to suffer the wrath of this nation's cruelty, because she deserves it. I'm sorry for Delaware for having to deal with her.

Anyways, below is a video clip from O'Donnell's and opponent Chris Coons' most recent debate. I mean, this Coons guy has got the patience of saint to deal with her ignorant stupidity. Kudos to Mr. Coons (even for having such a degrading last name). I'd recommend watching the entire clip, if you can get through it without breaking your computer. But, if you don't have that kind of patience, skip to 2:37 where O'Donnell is schooled on the fact that separation of church and state is in the First Amendment (she actually believes that our country was founded on Christian principles, when it was actually founded on the idea that government should be a separate entity from religion, that they do not mesh, that the principles of government DO NOT equivocate religious principles). She also pretty outwardly admits that she knows nothing about our Constitution or the Amendments it contains.

*It's particularly sad when she asks where exactly in the constitution is the separation of church and state... everyone in the audience laughs. And she looks back, smiling, as if she thinks that she caught him in a lie, like she's right. Hey! They're laughing AT you. And, as she continues to skeptically question Coons' memorization of the First Amendment, she thinks she's tricking him. She thinks that she caught him making a mistake. Instead, she is just making herself look more and more foolish. Just give up already!

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